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郑立新  罗鹏 《云梦学刊》2020,(1):115-124
农民是农业和农村的主体,也是乡村振兴的内生因素,发挥农民主体作用对实施乡村振兴战略意义重大。当前农民对乡村振兴关注度和支持度较高,农民的主体作用发挥成为乡村振兴的根本动力。但现实中,农民主体作用也受到诸如农业综合效益较低、农民自身思想文化和能力素质不高、管理机制滞后及基础条件薄弱等多方面的因素制约,需要党委、政府综合施策,采取完善乡村治理、健全政策扶持、建立引导机制、补齐短板缺陷、加强培育培训等一系列政策措施,尊重、引导、激励和支持农民自我管理、自我发展,激发农民的主动性、积极性、创造性。  相似文献   
The uneven development of minimum incomes in Spain is one of the factors that explain the significant differences in the poverty indicators that characterize the Spanish regions, generally in favour of the territories most committed to these policies (Basque Country, Navarra and Asturias). However, there are other aspects that deserve some consideration when interpreting the specific method of developing minimum incomes in southern Europe. One aspect has to do with the differing dynamics of countries, such as Spain and Italy, which have opted for a decentralized regional model. In this regard, the regional autonomous initiative of the Basque Country played a decisive role in promoting minimum income programs in the late 1980s. Without its leadership in the launch of the regional minimum income policy, Spanish trade unions would probably not have opted for this method as a mechanism for combating poverty in the 1990s. No Italian region went on to play this driving role at that time. This article analyses the ideological foundations of the Basque minimum income policy introduced in the late 1980s and which grew significantly before and during the crisis that started in 2007-2008. It examines the dominant political narrative on this issue by analysing the discourse of some of the key nationalist leaders involved in the birth and development of the minimum income scheme. The approach shows that the experience of social decline linked to industrial restructuring processes was instrumental in the construction of the nationalist narrative.  相似文献   
徐姗姗  张文英 《民族学刊》2020,11(4):59-65, 131-132
“发展教育脱贫一批”是在民族地区实现共同富裕的重要方针。然而在“教育改变命运”的共识之外,布迪厄认为教育一代代地维持着对社会中下阶层的不公平的“文化再生产”理论,被一些学者应用于对我国少数民族教育的研究。如在“三区三州”等民族地区,代际间的贫困传递难以阻断,因家庭文化资本弱势而造成子女求学、求职受阻,看似可用“贫困文化的再生产”予以概括,但笔者不同意直接套用西方理论认定中国存在“教育不公平”的论述。因为我国社会实际与布氏提出“学校教育再生产社会阶层结构”观点之环境不同,有多项教育政策在切实保障着少数民族通过“教育改变命运”——当前在我国民族地区实现教育公平的主要障碍,并非 “文化再生产”的结构性阻力,而在于就业环节的阶段性困难。教育公平可分为起点、过程和结果三个环节,民族地区经多年教育扶贫,“起点”入学机会和“过程”教育质量已明显改善,而作为“结果”的就业环节亟待改善。以“就业优先”方针多渠道扩大少数民族就业,可激发内生动力、促进市场融入、巩固减贫成效和精准防控返贫,是助少数民族自主掌握教育“社会阶梯”和阻断贫困代际传递的有效路径。  相似文献   
The well‐being of children in informal kinship care and their caregivers is a growing concern globally. This study explored the lived experiences of 23 kin caregivers raising children left behind in rural Northeast China while their migrant parents worked and lived in cities. The findings show that the expected authority and responsibility caregivers carry sometimes conflict with their social role of being children's grandparents. Caregivers' feelings about and understandings of these roles are shaped through their social interactions in local communities. In view of their situation and caregivers' self‐conscious attitudes towards utilizing local resources' future formal service provision and social support should take caregivers' viewpoints into account. These views are embedded in and shaped by their rural living context and relationships with community members who influence caregivers' perceptions and child rearing practices.  相似文献   
本文从参保结构、筹资水平和待遇水平等3个方面对城乡居民养老保险制度进行了分析。研究发现,在参保结构方面,伴随着城镇化率的提高,居民养老保险参保人数的相对比例在下降;在筹资水平方面,个人缴费水平过低,其主要原因是财政补贴资金激励性不足,从而需要在进一步提高财政补贴的同时,优化补贴结构,提高对个人缴费的激励作用;在待遇方面,居民养老金总体水平较低、但增长幅度较大,与职工待遇相比,替代率的差距要远远小于绝对额的差距。  相似文献   
社区公共物品供给治理本质上是一个开放演化、利益关联、耦合自洽和情境适应的复杂网络系统。由于供给手段智慧化、供给过程复杂性、个体能力失败和主体关系不确定性,传统由单中心主导的分立、单一和线性供给模式不能对整体网络化供给问题给出有效释义和策应方案,需要引入价值链网络结构治理新范式。从价值链理论出发,社区公共物品供给是适应协同供给的价值链网络结构系统,价值链网络系统理论与社区公共物品协同供给具有内在契合性。价值链网络结构范型下社区公共物品协同供给的内在要求体现在现实问题逻辑、供给价值诉求和主体关系博弈三方面;价值系统表征为克服供给碎片化、提供“三变”供给路径和技术手段嵌入支撑;构建基础体现在良好的社区文化、坚实的网络基础和规范的政治环境。建构多中心价值链网络协同供给模型,需要从管理协同、运作协同以及消费反馈协同三个层面展开施加管控。  相似文献   
The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the residential mobility of senior citizens, between 2006 and 2011, among different residential forms in rural and metropolitan areas in the province of Quebec (Canada). A systematic analysis of residential form variability in territories that include both metropolitan and rural areas is performed. First, a typology of residential forms is proposed using a principal component analysis and a hierarchical cluster analysis on environment-related and housing variables. Second, the residential mobility of seniors among these different residential forms is analyzed. The results reveal a certain amount of residential stability among seniors, except where specific conditions are met, such as the death of a spouse or the onset of health problems limiting day-to-day activities. For those who moved, high-rise habitat areas and mixed areas with older rental apartments held the greatest attraction. However, suburban areas attracted the largest number of seniors because these areas account for a sizeable portion of the real estate market.  相似文献   
乡村治理是乡村振兴战略设计框架中的重要内容,是我国国家治理的内在基础逻辑。要构建和完善“自治法治德治”的 乡村治理体系,应当积极发掘、传承保护、盘活和创新利用好乡村传统治理资源,推进本土化治理,实现乡村善治的终极目标。 彝族传统文化结构中蕴藏有丰富的治理资源,相关学者早从不同视角做过相关探讨或研究。总体看来,目前,虽然学界以“乡 村治理”作为直接视角嵌入的研究尚少,但是早有学者针对彝族的习惯法、家支制度、德古机制、信仰文化、乡村精英等展开相 关研究。众多研究成果表明,彝族传统治理资源具有强大的治理效能和实现乡村善治的独特优势。  相似文献   
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